Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Links to the Cause

I encourage everyone to visit Global Health Training to learn more about how the raffle is going to help out! I have also really enjoyed reading their blog and I hope you do too!

Monday, February 21, 2011

December's Piece

I love Christmas!!!! I loved working on this piece. I am so excited that I only have TWO more pieces before it is time to turn it into a quilt!!

May's Piece

Life Goes On

We are moving!! I am excited, happy, sad, and nervous all rolled up into one big crazy mess! I am excited & happy for the new changes that are coming as Matt and I both feel like we are moving on and starting fresh from our "tragedies". But are they really tragedies or are they something for us to stand up no matter how difficult and praise the Lord for what he has given us and for what he is using us for.
For those of you who don't know me. I am happily married with two children and in 2008 my husband was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. Long story short it threw our lives off for a while. Luckily Testicular Cancer has the highest survivability rates than any other Cancer. Matt is doing great and remains in remission and we are told he will remain that way for his lifetime. Almost exactly one year later in 2009 our precious boy Benjamin was diagnosed with another for of Cancer called Leukemia. His Chemo treatments will be ongoing until October 2012. It will not end there because he will still have monthly Dr. visits for the first year and it will continue for the rest of his life although they will eventually drop down to once a year. This time it through our lives completely off and we even relocated from AZ to KY to live near my parents. And that is were we have been for over 1 year.
So what is this for?? I think the Lord has been using us in so many ways over the time since Matt was diagnosed. But one of the most important and personal things he has been using me for is this quilt!! It has been such a journey and blessing to make this quilt and find a calling for this project. I am praying and trusting that the Lord will make this a successful raffle. BUT even if my hopes are not reached in this raffle I will still be fulfillled and grateful for what the Lord has done in my life with it.
As we prepare to move to Louisville (about 2 hours from Mom & Dad) I am sad that I will be leaving my parents because they are my rocks and have been so amazing to us. I am also happy to once again start my life with such an Amazing God directing it!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter Days

The weather has been so crazy!! Moving from Phoenix, AZ to here and having these winters that are so severe in comparison has been such an adjustment. It has been snowing, windy, rainy, and really really cold!!!. Matt and I took the kids sledding the last time it snowed but for the most part we are stuck inside all the time right now. I am getting quite a bit of sewing done and have really been able to enjoy it lately. I have finished the May piece and I am working on December. Mom and I are going to go to a little Menonite shop nearby and see if their quilting group can finish the quilt. I am excited to finish the final three pieces (Dec. Aug. & Oct.) so we can work on the next part!!